How many friends can you say have truly had your back? My brothers have always been good for this - so I've got 2 right now, but I used to have 3.
Who can you count on to keep your secrets? I'm not honestly much of a secret haver so don't do much secret giving. I think it would fall back to Finn and Noah now, but they're hard pressed to keep a secret from mama.
Do you have a best friend? I'm real close to Finn. Noah has his head in the clouds a touch. Finn works beside me day by day on the ranch and you can't fault a man for being a hard worker.
Can you count on somebody to always make you laugh? Mama is a good one for that. She seems to have this insight to my life that's comical and spot on.
Have you ever been somebody's "shoulder to cry on"? Little Gage has cried on my shoulder more times than I care to count.
Is there any friend you have right now that you'd like to tell off? If I don't like someone, I don't have much use for 'em, so I honestly don't keep around people I'd like to tell off.
Is there a friend right now you would like to thank? I guess I would thank Gavin, even though he's not around. He's been a huge influence on the last year even though he's not with us anymore. Gage has taught me more than I care to know, I think.
Can you honestly say you love your family? Every last one of 'em. Might want to kick their asses sometimes, but I do love 'em all.
Do you have somebody in your family to thank for being where you are? Mama and Daddy have sure made a difference in who I am. They raised me right. And I'm sure a different person since Gage came to live with me.
Is there someone in your family you don't see enough? I wish I could see Gavin again...
Who do you look up to most? Daddy would be happy to know that he is who I look up to. If I can do as right by this ranch as he has, I will be a blessed man.
Is there somebody who you think looks up to you? Poor little Gage doesn't have much choice, I don't think.
Race and Religion:
Do you think it's right to preach a religion? I don't know whose business it is what God I pray to so long as I pray to Him.
Ever been mistaken for another race? Not real possible in this neck of the woods.
What is your religion? What rancher doesn't pray for a good crop or a safe calving season? I can't say I'm any kind of religion but I answer to a higher authority and He does well by me.
Do you know what love is? I've felt pretty good about a lot of ladies but I don't think I've ever been in love with one of 'em. Sure have thought so sometimes! Amazing what a woman can do to a grown man with the right bat of her eyelashes.
Are there different forms of love? I sure think so. I love Finn in a different way than I love women!
How do you know your in love? Again, can't say that I've been in love, but I reckon it's when you can't think about anything else and the thought of that person hurt or worse makes your heart stop.
What can make your heart pound? I don't know that it's decent to say that in a public forum. BUT I can say that Gage sure made my heart kick up a ruckus when he fell off the corral last week.
Favorite hobby? There's nothing I love more than saddling up a horse and heading up into the mountains.
Would you say you're obsessed with anything? Obsessed has such negative connotations, I don't think I'm obsessed with anything. I love to do many things and many things I do because it's my job and I don't have much choice.
Favorite Movie? Man From Snowy River. Don't have much time for that stuff though.
Favorite Color? Navy
Favorite Actor/Actress? Robert Redford
Favorite Singer/Band? Love Garth Brooks, Travis Tritt
Favorite Show? Don't even have a tv.
Are you on medication? No sir.
When did you last take a nap? Woulda probably been the last time I was sick.
Do you have a song that can remind you of somebody? Garth Brooks' "Rodeo" makes me think of Gavin. He was a helluva bullrider.
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